Immigrants feed the United States.

About 73% of all US farmworkers are immigrants, and 48% are undocumented.

In California, 75% of farmworkers are undocumented immigrants, and by some estimates, almost half suffer from food insecurity.

The communities that cultivate this land and nourish its fellow residents should not go hungry.

“Despite working essential jobs and contributing an annual $3.2 billion in tax revenue for the state, undocumented Californians are unjustly excluded from CalFresh, CFAP, and other forms of assistance” - Nourish California

  • Nearly 1 in 6 California children live with at least one undocumented parent.

  • Nearly 1 in 10 California workers is undocumented, and immigrants compose 36% of California’s essential workforce.

We organize to support the coalitions leading the charge for immigrants rights, healthy equity, and food justice for all.

  • Food4All

    We joined Nourish California’s Food4All campaign and advocated for the expansion of the California Food Assistance Program to support undocumented immigrants. Food4All was successfuly funded in the California State Budget of 2021.